Marvel Animation

  • Episode #197 – Big Hero 6 (2014)

    Educator and comic fan Scott Honig returns for a fun discussion about Big Hero 6! Many people may not know that this film is actually based on a lesser-known Marvel team. And even fewer know that Scott was an intern who had a hand in the publication of the first BH6 mini-series! We discuss the comic version (good and bad), how this film improved on a lot, and plenty more.

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  • Episode #70 – X-Men: The Dark Phoenix Saga

    In another double-feature, X-fan Greg Dunn makes his debut appearance on the show to talk about the best adaptation of the classic X-Men story, The Dark Phoenix Saga. It wasn't one of the movies, but the four-part story that appeared in season three of the 1992 animated series! Perry and Greg reminisce over their memories of the show, how it got them into superheroes, how it holds up today, and what they believe is truly the greatest X-Men story ever.

  • Episode #42 – Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse

    Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse is probably the only superhero movie that everyone loves, even Derrick (who doesn't really like Spider-Man). We talk about the wonderful voice acting, the stellar animation, the seemingly simple yet actually complex storytelling, and about how this is a movie people will watch over and over again.

  • Episode #21 – Hulk Vs.

    For our first animated movie, we’ve decided to look at the long lost and mostly forgotten Hulk Vs! Consisting of two short movies—Hulk vs Thor and Hulk vs Wolverine—we talk about how actors have colored our perceptions of certain characters, Marvel vs DC, Ang Lee’s Hulk, and…oh yeah, somewhere in there we also mention the film we’re supposed to be talking about at least once.

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