Be a Guest

If you’re interested in being on the show, here are some of the basic requirements. Please make sure to read all points before sending an email. I receive a lot of requests and people who don’t follow these guidelines may not receive a response:
- One movie per episode.
- Movies have to be superhero movies (if it’s not a traditional superhero movie but you think it should qualify, tell me why).
- Please look at the movies we’ve already covered to avoid suggesting something there’s an episode for. There’s a search box on the main page and you can narrow down by category (or just ask). I also have a list on Letterboxd of superhero movies that I own but haven’t yet covered on the show and that can be accessed here. You’re not limited to choosing something from this list, but it will give you a good idea of what I will say yes to.
- Please remember that the focus of this show is on superhero movies. Although we have covered some TV stuff in the past, this is typically only reserved for short seasons (like many of the Marvel shows on Disney+), crossover events (Crisis on Infinite Earths), or TV movies (Generation X). Seasons that are longer than six episodes are too much to cover in a single episode, so those are generally only reserved for recurring guests. If you’re a first-time guest and you request a TV show that’s longer than six episodes, I’ll probably ask you to choose something else.
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