Original Superhero Movies

  • Episode #47 – Chronicle

    Want a good movie to pair with Brightburn? Derrick's got the perfect suggestion for you—2012's Chronicle, the movie that launched Michael B. Jordan to the top of people's watchlist. We take out our frustrations on the "found footage" technique, explain why Max Landis is a piece of shit, and wonder just how suits watched this movie and then said, "Josh Trank is the perfect choice for Fantastic Four."

  • Episode #44 – Brightburn

    Just a little after Halloween, we've got a horror-themed superhero movie for you to check out. What if Superman wasn't a wholesome farmboy but instead a twisted little bastard? That's the concept behind Brightburn, the movie we discuss. We gush over Elizabeth Banks, talk about the way this movie blends the horror and superhero genres together, and pontificate on why we don't see more horror-themed superhero movies.

  • Episode #37 – The Cobbler

    In this episode, we discuss the loss of Chadwick Boseman, what he meant to the world, and then switch it up to talk about Derrick’s pick, The Cobbler. Think an Adam Sandler film where he changes into different people using their shoes seems an odd choice for a podcast about superhero movies? Think again.

  • Episode #27 – Doctor Mordrid

    In the early 90s, Full Moon was going to make a Doctor Strange film. But shortly before production was supposed to begin, they lost the rights. Instead of scrapping the movie, they decided to tweak it just enough to make it an original story. And it's not half-bad, but like this episode, shorter than you might expect.

  • Episode #14 – Abar, The First Black Superman

    We round out this spotlight on black superhero movies by discussing the very first black superhero movie—the low-budget Abar, The First Black Superman. If you’ve never seen this movie, it will both be disappointing based on the poster and also surprising based on how intelligent it is in parts.

  • Episode #12 – Meteor Man

    In celebration of Black History Month, Perry and Derrick discuss The Meteor Man, the first mainstream black superhero movie! Writer/director/actor Robert Townsend’s 1993 superhero kids comedy has kind of faded from memory, but there’s a lot of good in it that deserves a fresh look.

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